East Telecom is your reliable partner in digital transformation
After establishing the company, East Telecom instantly focused on providing high quality Internet services and a full range of telephone services, which in a short period of time brought it to one of the leading positions among fixed line operators in Uzbekistan.
Several major events took place which influenced the further development of the company.
East Telecom becomes part of the global business of KT Corporation (Korea) and Sumimoto Corporation (Japan).
The company EVO, one of the first operators of the second wave (Wave-2) mobile WiMAX network in the world, is created.
And also 638 km of FOCL (fiber-optic communication lines) were laid in Ferghana.
East Telecom announced a change of image and the beginning of rebranding process, the main goal of which was to create a modern and unique image, reflecting the company's desire to give joy to customers by providing high quality services.
KT Corporation (Republic of Korea) acquires a stake in Sumimoto Corporation (Japan) and becomes the main founder of East Telecom
Following the global trend, East Telecom begins construction and successfully launches 4G LTE network, providing unsurpassed speed and network stability. The company is carrying out extensive infrastructure upgrades and network optimization, preparing for the next big breakthrough in Uzbekistan's telecommunications history.
Marked the merger of East Telecom and EVO, under the East Telecom brand, highlighting the company's aspiration to become a leader in digital transformation (Digital Transformation or DX).
The company is undergoing another key merger. Internet service provider TPS becomes part of East Telecom.
The company achieved its goal of becoming a DX leader in Central Asia and continues to grow in this area. The construction of data centers also began, which was the first step towards the creation of a belt of data centers in Central Asia